Interstitial Event Listener
Interstitial life cycle goes as follows:
onLoaded: Called when the banner is loaded and ready to be shown. Or If this goes wrong, the onFailedToLoad when this happens the factory marks the object for deletion, and calls com.refinery89.androidSdk.domain_layer.RefineryAdFactory.createInterstitial afterInterstitial
onOpen: Something happen in your app and you call the factory so this is the event is invoked if everything goes according to plan. Otherwise onAdFailedToShowFullScreen is called, you will receive and error message string with information about it.
onImpression: This means it did finish loading the creatives in the screen and they can be clicked
onClick: The ad opens another Intent with the advertiser link
onAdDismissedFullScreenContent: Called when the intersitial is closed normally
com.refinery89.androidSdk.domain_layer.RefineryAdFactory.createInterstitial afterInterstitial: Is called when some situations happen. So the app flow can be recovered. Situations when called are:
Everything went right and the user just closed the fullscreen ad
The ad hasn't loaded yet and you tried to show it
The ad has been Invalidated and you tried to show it. Gets invalidated when:
Fails to load
Already shown
Too Long without showing it
The ad failed to show
Called when the interstitial is closed normally. This is just internal callback since R89Interstitial.afterDismissEventListener is used to notify the publisher it can re-engage the app with the normal navigation flow and is not optional like providing an InterstitialEventListener
Called when is going to open at fullScreen but fails to do so in full screen
Called when an ad is failed to load.
Called when an ad is shown in the screen for the first time.