add Banner Configuration
Adds a banner configuration to the sdk
ConfigBuilder after caching this configuration
Configuration ID
unit id from the manager
config id from the manager
list of pair indicating width and height
Ad auto refresh timer (default = 30000 millis / 30 seconds)
If ad is capped (default = false)
Capping amount of ads per time slot (default = 1)
Size of the time slot (default = 3600000 millis / 1 hour)
this is for adding specific keywords to the unit
this is for adding specific first party data to the unit
Activate ad close button (default = false)
Url of custom icon for ad close button
Wrap r89Wrapper around the content (ad)
Match r89Wrapper height with publishers wrapper height
Match r89Wrapper width with publishers wrapper width
Change r89Wrapper's height in dp
Change r89Wrapper's width in dp
Change r89Wrapper's position inside of publishers wrapper WrapperPosition.(CENTER/START/END/TOP/BOTTOM)