Config Builder
Builder in charge of making easy to configure the SDK. All the methods are optional to call. This Class can be Used either when manualConfig is ON or OFF. If its off, only Unfetchable configs will be built into the configuration: This configurations are:
consent configurations.
If its ON you can add unitConfigs and APP global target Configs.
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Adds keywords for better ad targeting
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fun addBannerConfiguration(configurationId: String, bannerUnitId: String, bannerConfigId: String, sizeList: List<Pair<Int, Int>>, autoRefreshMillis: Int = 30000, isCapped: Boolean = false, adAmountPerTimeSlot: Int = 1, timeSlotSize: Long = 3600000, keywords: List<String>? = null, unitFPID: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null, closeButtonIsActive: Boolean = false, closeButtonImageURL: String = "", wrapperWrapContent: Boolean = true, wrapperMatchParentHeight: Boolean = false, wrapperMatchParentWidth: Boolean = false, wrapperHeight: Int = -1, wrapperWidth: Int = -1, wrapperPosition: WrapperPosition = WrapperPosition.CENTER): ConfigBuilder
Adds a banner configuration to the sdk
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caches the cmp needed data to be shown,
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fun addInfiniteScrollConfiguration(configurationId: String, minItems: Int, maxItems: Int, variableProbability: IntRange = 0..0, configsOfAdsToUse: List<String>, wrapperWrapContent: Boolean = true, wrapperMatchParentHeight: Boolean = false, wrapperMatchParentWidth: Boolean = false, wrapperHeight: Int = -1, wrapperWidth: Int = -1, wrapperPosition: WrapperPosition = WrapperPosition.CENTER): ConfigBuilder
Adds a infinite scroll configuration to the sdk
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fun addInterstitialConfiguration(configurationId: String, interstitialUnitId: String, interstitialConfigId: String, autoRefreshMillis: Int = 30000, isCapped: Boolean = false, adAmountPerTimeSlot: Int = 1, timeSlotSize: Long = 3600000, keywords: List<String>? = null, unitFPID: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null): ConfigBuilder
Add an interstitial configuration to the sdk
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fun addVideoInterstitialConfiguration(configurationId: String, videoInterstitialUnitId: String, videoInterstitialConfigId: String, autoRefreshMillis: Int = 30000, isCapped: Boolean = false, adAmountPerTimeSlot: Int = 1, timeSlotSize: Long = 3600000, keywords: List<String>? = null, unitFPID: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null): ConfigBuilder
Add an video interstitial configuration to the sdk er
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fun addVideoOutstreamBannerConfiguration(configurationId: String, outstreamUnitId: String, outstreamConfigId: String, size: Pair<Int, Int>, autoRefreshMillis: Int = 30000, isCapped: Boolean = false, adAmountPerTimeSlot: Int = 1, timeSlotSize: Long = 3600000, keywords: List<String>? = null, unitFPID: Map<String, Set<String>>? = null, closeButtonIsActive: Boolean = false, closeButtonImageURL: String? = null, wrapperWrapContent: Boolean = true, wrapperMatchParentHeight: Boolean = false, wrapperMatchParentWidth: Boolean = false, wrapperHeight: Int = -1, wrapperWidth: Int = -1, wrapperPosition: WrapperPosition = WrapperPosition.CENTER): ConfigBuilder
Adds a video banner configuration to the sdk